
girls club

girls club was in hawaii this summer!

side note: ashley and i started "girls club" when we were 4 and 8 years old. 
we were the only girl cousins in the whole family and so we had to bond together.
we ended up adding 8 girls to the club throughout the years, but we still consider ourselves the girls club founders

since we were living in swim suits 
we were bound and determined to work out every day of the trip,
so the first day we got up on time and got our running shoes on,
started out on the shoreline trail,
got about a mile out and...

there was a 10 minute down pour and we were basically drowning while running.

after that, we decided to take our work out to the ocean.
when you are living 30 feet from the beach, why not?
we would take the paddle board out and take turns going as far out as we dared.

our main goal was to not fall off of course.
especially when we found out kylie had a small cut on her leg that was bleeding.
the sharks would for sure smell it and come to our bay we decided.
ashley was the lucky one paddling us and what are the odds, we got stuck in a current!
she was paddling for about 15 minutes and we might have moved about 6 inches forward.
she may or may not have fallen off.
we may or may not have all panicked.
we may or may not have finally made it to shore an hour later.
we may or may not have gotten the best work out of all from laughing so dang hard.

ashley is 20 years old today so
thank you for being my best friend, for being my go-to secret keeper, for always giving me advice that's wise beyond your years, for always making me laugh (especially at your social media mishaps), for being my bikram yoga buddy this summer, for always having a smile on your face, and much more. 

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