
Snow Cones

We went to get a snow shack today where 2 concerning things happened.

1- We found out they can no longer put cream on the snow cones because the Health Department deemed it unsanitary.  This just put a major damper on my summer snow cone eating habits.  We were lucky enough to have a carton of cream at home though so we hurried home to fix up our snow cones to top quality.

2- After we got in the car with our snow cones, I noticed a heart on Dawson's cup and realized that the teenage girl working the shack must have written it.  While I was prepared to put up a fight for my man, I figured a 16 year old wasn't too much competition so I let it slide this time.


  1. I personally think you shoelace gone ahead and b-tch slapped the 16 year old...now that would have been a story. That Dawson is just too irresistible.

  2. Freaking IPhone, how do you get shoelace out of should have???

  3. That is too funny! I miss going to the snow shack with you guys, I'm having withdrawals!

  4. no more cream?! whaaat. that was half the fun of getting a snow cone!
