

We came across $15 off Lagoon tickets and we decided to take advantage and go on a day date.  Dawson hadn't been to Lagoon since he was about 12 so there were a lot of new rides for him.  I was so excited especially because we're both huge fans of roller coasters, and I love rides that spin and make me feel like throwing up (Daw isn't quite as big of fan of those ones but he humored me).


We went on a few mellow rides, like the Ferris Wheel, but we really just roller coaster hopped.  Dawson was a little disappointed in Colossus because it wasn't as scary as he remembered it being as a boy of 12.  Our favorite one was the old white Roller Coaster, partially because the whole time we were terrified that it was going to fall apart underneath us.

You cannot describe those last pictures as anything else other than sheer joy.  We had so much fun, especially after realizing we were celebrating our 3-week anniversary (woot  woot)!  I'm going to be so so sad when Dawson has to go back to school and I (hopefully) start my full time job.  It's so fabulous being able to do whatever we want and just hang out with each other.  Real life as a grown-up is just not as fun.


  1. girl, you never told me you got a blog!!! great work, I might add! :) Let me know if you have any questions, I know my way around blogger ok... I think. Great job with pictures and SO glad you decided to start blogging so I can stalk you from 2000 miles away!! hope to see you soon!!

  2. Missy you are the most adorable thing on the planet, as well as your hubby! I didn't get an invite to your wedding, but your pictures are too cute! I have that lace dress from anthro that you wore in your engagements! Married life is the best but garments do suck, so you have to get real creative :) Excited to follow your blog, and we for sure should get all the marrieds together for a group date night!

  3. Welcome to the blogging world! It's awesome. I'm so happy you have a blog.

  4. Tyler and I are impressed you were able to get pictures that actually had both of your faces in them while riding a roller coaster. That's quite a feat.

  5. i'm dying over those coaster pics. best ones by far!
