
Birthday week

Lucky for me, my birthday continued on after my actual birth DAY.  

For our girls dinner we celebrated both mine and Jenn's bdays.  We were adventurous and went to a Thai restaurant.  Brittany and Caitlin were sketched out, however after dinner Caitlin said she liked it as long as she wasn't puking in the toilet that night (and don't worry, she wasn't).

I also had my Kent family joint party with Monroe.  Taedon was kind enough to find us Princess crowns to wear for the night.  Sweet Diana made my favorite meal and we have a shopping day planned, and Andrew and Jen gave me a LuLu lemon gift card (which Jen and I will go use next week..)!  I love my in-laws!  And might I add, I have the cutest nieces and nephew EVER.

1 comment:

  1. gosh i love birthdays. especially when they last more than one day. hope you had a great one missy!
