
dash diaries

this picture is of dash and i going for a run (walk/jog) in the beautiful weather.  why did i, the girl who loathes running more than anyone in this world, do this for dash?  well, besides the fact that the vet said that dash is 1.5 lbs overweight and he loves to prove he can run faster than me, let me tell you.

last night i had one of the worst nightmares of my life.  i feel incredibly ashamed even admitting this, but i dreamed that i got dash killed.  well, most likely killed at least. i am very concerned about what my self conscious is telling me.

in my dream i was a thief of some sort and dash was my sneaky sidekick.  we were robbing this gangster (guys, you know that dreams don't make sense when you tell them in the day time) and we didn't realize that he had a gun!  rookie mistake, i know.

dash couldn't run away fast enough and the guy SHOT HIM.  of course i dropped whatever it was i was stealing and picked up dash and sprinted outside to find the veterinarian.  i was holding my hand over the bullet wound and keeping the blood in to keep him alive.  

it was very "where the red fern grows" like and now that i'm telling the story it sounds very graphic, but it was really just so sad because he was whimpering and i was racing against the clock to find the vet.

and then the worst part.  i'm running down the street (which for some reason was a road from an old western movie with saloons and stuff on both sides) and before i can find the vet, I WOKE UP!  so i don't even know what ended up happening to dash.

of course i woke up crying and completely devastated.  thank heavens it was my day off so i was able to make it up to dash for subconsciously getting him murdered.  

he ate human food for every meal (not conducive to his diet, i know), i scratched his ears for a whole hour, we went on a run (as before mentioned), went to the dog park, and went to visit his best friend max. he might not have understood why he was getting treated like a king (i didn't have the heart to tell him), but i think that was for the best.

so i think we're even, wouldn't you say?  now i just need to figure out how to have happy dreams where dash can talk and i can fly, instead of these terrible nighmares that make me think i was an evil villain in another life.

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