do i have to mention again how amazing our group of friends is?
i'm not saying that how much fun we have together is the reason that none of us have kids yet,
but i'm not saying that it isn't.
our motto is an inside joke, "this is friends", and it speaks for itself.
we might love each other a little bit too much... nah.
we plan get togethers at least weekly (ok, usually more) for whoever can come.
last week since the nicols got back in town, we decided to go big at the state fair!!!
it almost tried to rain on our parade, but our enthusiasm scared those rain clouds away.
hands down the best part of the night was our grand finale on the gravitron.
it took some convincing since we are getting older and our stomaches are getting weaker,
but we all got on and looked death in the face.... and CONQUERED!!!
aaaaaand then we all decided that might be our last time on the gravitron.
but hey, if we were all able to go eat hire's cheese fries and root beer freezes after without puking,
i'd say it was a success.
the carnis, the people that we saw that we never knew existed in utah, the funnel cake,
the rides that could collapse at any moment, the over priced games, the smelly barn animals,
nicole's talent of sneaking us onto rides and getting free stuff,
the ab muscle i pulled from laughing so hard in the gravitron...
it was an unforgettable night at the fair.
This is friends never gets old!!!