

we've decided it's time to work on that extra layer of flubber we acquired over the winter.
we have 2 months til summer to go from flab to fit!!
our goal is to eat healthier, not go to nielsens as often (cut back to 3 times a month),
and start workin on our fitness by hitting the track, the gym, the trails, etc.

because of this i managed to convince dawson to do a 10 day yoga pass with me.
not just any yoga.

bikram yoga.
aka HOT yoga.
aka hotter than laying in a tanning bed inside a volcano yoga.

i had a yoga pass last summer and knew what was in store.
i was fully expecting dawson to walk out cursing halfway through the first class.
or to pass out from sweating so much.
or break a bone from falling out of one of those body bending poses.
or throw up from the wonderful stenches that come from that humid room.
or at the VERY least laugh at all the yogi men in their short shorts
and not take the class seriously at all.

but he thoroughly surprised me.
he was born to do yoga!
he didn't take any breaks in the first class, or in any classes for that matter.
he was actually better than me in a lot of the poses!
(very humbling to me and my yoga pride)
and once he even chatted up the teacher after class and made a new friend.

he claims that he won't go back now that the pass is over,
but we'll see what happens....
i don't think i'll be able to keep this new yogi away from that 110 degree yoga room!

p.s. if you want a glimpse into hot yoga here is a very accurate decription: yoga mat for sale

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