

lemme get serious on you here for a minute:

life can change in an instant.

you always hear that, but you don't actually think it applies to you.

your life is going great, you've got it together, you have great family and friends...
sure you may complain a little bit,
(curse that girl who bought the shoes you wanted first)
but who doesn't complain every now and then?

but i have learned that life really can change in an instant.
you can't take anything for granted.
things you thought were impossible suddenly become an unwanted reality.
because even the most solid rock in your life can be moved.

i have had my share of these moments.
when i found out something about someone i trusted completely
and the ground was pulled out from beneath my feet.
when i thought that someone i loved was indestructible
but then a phone call came that changed everything.
when it seemed that cancer was only something i heard about on the news
and then suddenly it became real life to my family.

as much as i wish i could erase all of those moments,
and shape my reality to be just how i want it to be...
life just doesn't work like that.

thankfully i have the best family and friends in the world.
i am so grateful for them,
and try to tell them i love them every time i see them.
(i say "love you, bye" to everyone, sometimes even random sales people on the phone.

but most of all i am grateful for a heavenly father who loves me.
who knows better than anyone what i am going through at any moment,
that i can turn to when it seems like there is no one else,
and when the impossible happens, i know will be there without fail.

"i have been driven many times upon my knees by the 
overwhelming conviction that i had nowhere else to go"
abraham lincoln


  1. I love this. I'm sorry about this bump in the road. I do think it's healthy to admit that we have down times and moments that frankly suck or make us hit bottom. We couldn't enjoy the good with out the bad. And it's nice to hear about it every once in a while too, because we are all going through something. xo. Oh and I say Love you bye to people all the time too. Even once it my boss on the phone hahaha.

  2. I couldn't agree more... I hope you are doing ok though! Hang on there whatever it is!!!
