
the bahamas

the beginning of the "chick pic" era.
since hubbies only have about a 3 picture quota before they start whining,
us girls fulfill our picture taking needs with pics of ourselves.
it's not because we are narcissistic, it's because we love each other.


daw and i tried really hard to eat healthy and work out before the cruise so we could have our best beach bods.
unfortunately we started stress eating from the fact that we are remodeling a house ourselves,
but we still did pretty good compared to our usual twice weekly nielsens frozen custard runs.
however you will notice that we get exponentially fatter as the cruise progresses...
(i am cringing in embarrassment/shame at posting our beach selfies.  dont judge us.  we will never be in good shape again so we had to document)


we rocked the bahamas.
we steered clear of the people trying to make us pay ten times what we should for transportation,
and headed to a bus stop to travel with the locals.
we made friends with a guy on the back of the bus who guided us in the right direction,
and made it to a beach that we had pretty much all to ourselves.

it was the perfect set up with beach chairs, crystal clear water, and 
a volley ball net!!!
(with a free volley ball included).
we spent a few hours playing beach volley ball and having the time of our lives.

sadly, the worst part of a cruise is leaving paradise and having to get back on the ship.
but thankfully we had 3 more islands to go to!


  1. Oh I love this post, I wish I included more details like you did! My favorite day by far!

  2. "it's not because we are narcissistic, it's because we love each other."
    no truer words have ever been spoken! i love all our chick pics!!
